Thursday, January 29, 2009

Puppy time

Here's the precious little princess. Yes, princess is one of the names we are contemplating, along with a list of about 50 others. Darion is a little indecisive - and so am I. I wish he could get some of my more admirable qualities, but.... Anyway, she's here in the port -o-crib resting between the heart beat bear's legs. Thank goodness I haven't given away all of these baby things. They are useful for pups too!
Darion thought this was a funny pic to show how super small she is. His shoe is a little longer. Darion thinks she looks like she is going to race away. I told him - at this point she moves more like the tortoise than the hare...

Her adorable little face close up - she' s a little camera shy.

On to the other princess - Delyla is discovering the wonderful world of self-feeding. I mix just about everything with yogurt and it makes it easier to spoon up. Messy, but fun. After all, we want to give her confidence right?

Dalton saying cheese to show off the new hair cut. Now, grandmas are going to read this and say, what haircut? Believe me, these curly locks are fit and trim. You should have seen the state of the boys afros...every LDS mother's nightmare.

Darion's new haircut -----waaaaayyyyyyy better. You can't see it, but there are cool pieces that stick out from behind. He could be bald and still flash those baby blues and I would be suckered right in. I hope it is a few more years before he's interested in girls.